EU and prophecy
Our April-May issue proved so popular, with orders from all around the country, that we ran out of copies and even at the time of printing this issue calls were coming in for new orders as people passed the April-May issue around.
Most reactions were positive, such as the Surrey vicar who said it was the best publication he had seen in 30 years of ministry and the lady from Kingston who had been sent a copy and emailed to say, “I agreed with every word. Please send me 50 copies.”
A few did not agree with the articles on the EU – one man from East Sussex asked if the picture of St George on the cover was a bad joke.” A priest asked not to receive the papers again due to the “political propaganda.”
Below are the emails received from those who were happy to appear in print.
Love your EU neighbours
I was very concerned to read several anti-EU pieces in your last issue.
The main justification for this stance seems to be an interpretation of biblical prophecy in Daniel and Revelation which identifies the EU as the ‘beast kingdom’ of the end times. I consider this interpretation to be highly speculative; we simply cannot know these things.
On the contrary, what we do know is our Lord Jesus’ great commandment to love our neighbour as ourselves. As Christians we should neither put our own individual self-interest first, nor should we look at everything in terms of what is best for Britain. Instead we should reach out in love to our neighbouring countries in the EU, none of whom want the UK to divorce from the EU.
I was also concerned by the anti-Muslim article about the effects of immigration on other EU countries in the newspaper. Muslims are also made in the image of God like all human beings. Many have suffered terribly in the Syrian civil war. This country along with other rich countries should be ready to show compassion to them. Christians, in particular, should give them and all migrants a Christian welcome and share the love of Christ with them.
J Chapman
Folkestone, Kent
Europe in prophecy

David Hathaway talks a lot of sense (‘Rape of Europe’ review, April/May issue). Unfortunately he is a lone voice amidst the confusion caused by US tele-evangelists and dispensationalists. Both the latter overlook the importance of Europe in prophecy.
In biblical prophecy and apocalyptic (where history is fixed by divine decree), the end-time spotlight is on Israel and a United Europe: these are the two major players.
Daniel posits a future extension of the Roman Empire and the book of Revelation begins in the Roman Empire and ends in a (revived) Roman Empire.
We need to remind ourselves that the ten-nation confederacy happens right at the end. The present EU will either evolve into this confederacy or it will collapse and then be revived as a ten-nation confederacy.
In the latter case, the person who picks up the pieces will be the European Dictator (the first Beast of Revelation 13), the second being the False Messiah (or Antichrist) who promotes his worship in Israel. An anti-Islamic agenda would initially make such a dictator very popular and automatically ally the EU with an (apostate) Israel, from which only a remnant (a third) will be saved (which constitutes “all Israel”, the whole remaining nation).
The results of this referendum will show us whether Britain has passed the point of no return or not. We urgently need to continue to plead with God for his mercy.
Paul Milan
Folkestone, Kent
Restoring the nation
I believe God is willing to make this nation great again, even though our individual and collective sin has generated fear across our land.
Our beautiful country is suffering from pollution, crime, wastefulness greed, cruelty and much more. But every believer has the solution: pray, turn from our wicked ways and then our loving Father will hear our cry for help and forgive us. Then we can claim his promise; he will heal our land. He will take away this spirit of fear and remind us of what this nation was. This is the land that gave the world the steam engine and the engineering ability to make steel. We gave the first jet engine, a universal postage service, a national health service and more.
We stood almost alone and together with our friends from the British Empire set Europe free from evil tyranny. This was under a coalition government united in prayer and right thinking.
So let us all forget politics and ‘religion ‘on 23 June. Just for this unique time let us remember the cross of Christ as we put a cross on our voting paper.
Once we are free from the shackles of Europe we can return to our loving Father and ask him to heal and restore our land.
Jonathan Dee
Christian radio station ignores prophets
A well-known Christian radio station, in its daily emails, repeatedly echoes the political and media arguments, not least on the EU referendum.
Do they ever broadcast the warnings of our Christian prophetic voices? This, for instance – from Clifford Hill’s online ‘Prophecy Today’ in February this year, in an article entitled: “Are we prepared to lead the way?’
“… as a nation we are heading for unimaginable disaster! But in his mercy, we are now being offered an opportunity to shake off the atheistic secular controls of Brussels and put our trust in God. If we are prepared to take a step of faith by leaving the European Union and repenting for the past, God will undoubtedly bless the nation.”
I long for to see avowedly evangelistic media speaking from the Word of God or, at the very least, sharing the wise words of watchmen on the walls.
An effective means that I have found that gets the Christian message out is to take part in daily forums when prompted, particularly where an uncertain note is struck in their reporting.
How much more effective we could be if more of us were prepared to, as in Jude’s words, “contend for the faith that was once delivered to the saints”.
Jude Meritus
Hillary and the Bible

With reference to Rev Wiese’s letter on the Christian stand of Hillary Clinton (HEART April/May 2016) I wonder if she is aware that Mrs Clinton supports gay marriage and is pro choice for women who want an abortion. Is that really the kind of President that American Christians want?
The Scriptures Mrs Clinton receives in her mail box may be ‘uplifting’ to her but they are not yet challenging her to change her stance on issues which grieve and anger our Lord.
Someone who shares their faith, yet undermines specific teachings of the Bible, rather than promoting Christianity, is actually doing more damage than good.
“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” Isaiah 5:20
Perhaps praying for her genuine salvation would be more appropriate than praying for her success as a presidential candidate?
Lynda Carew-Jones
Margate, Kent
Disturbing issues
I always enjoy the varied and stimulating articles in your newspaper, further supporting my life as a Christian, and duly offer my heartfelt thanks to all involved in sharing this medium.
However, I found that the disturbing issues covered in February/March 2016 lacked the counter-weight references of God, of Jesus, of the Holy Spirit.
Caught up in strong emotions that I had little idea what to do with, I prayed for God’s guidance, and then opened the Bible at a ‘random’ place, though guided by God, of course!
Here is one of several verses I found in my NIV Bible which were very helpful in giving God’s perspective on the sufferings described in the paper:
1 Peter 4:12-19 is summarised as ‘Suffering for being a Christian’:
12 Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. 13 But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. 14 If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you. 15 If you suffer, it should not be as a murderer or thief or any other kind of criminal, or even as a meddler. 16 However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name. 17 For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God? 18 And,
“If it is hard for the righteous to be saved, what will become of the ungodly and the sinner?”
19So then, those who suffer according to God’s will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good.
These are troubled times, we do need to hear what atrocities are going on, and to feel driven to make it right – we need God in our every thought and action to do this. Search for God’s advice and guidance in the Bible – we find an abundance of reminders on how to approach all situations with Jesus at the forefront.
Consider also the need to pray for all perpetrators of these horrendous acts: let them be healed by Jesus’ presence, allowing the misguided to be rid of Satan’s power, and for all to be restored to God’s grace.
Stephanie Jennings
Bexhill on Sea, East Sussex
Care home visits
As a new subscriber, I love reading all the Christian news in HEART.
The Bible tells us that older people are precious to God, and one charity, ‘PARCHE’ (Pastoral Action in Residential Care Homes for the Elderly), holds short Christian services in most of Eastbourne’s elderly care homes.
They work with Churches Together in Eastbourne to share the good news of Jesus with care home residents, as many of them face bereavement, ill-health, frailty and losing their home. PARCHE volunteers chat with the residents after the service and pray with them, if they would like this.
It would be good if a network could be set up in other UK areas by churches, so that when an elderly person has to leave their home and church to go into residential care, someone from a nearby church could visit them.
PARCHE has a DVD showing its work:
A Wills
Ruislip, Middlesex
In defence of Bishop Bell

When the accusations concerning Bishop George Bell broke, many people of the Chichester Cathedral community were shocked and distressed. Consequently, the Cathedral staff arranged two meetings which were held in November 2015.
The newly installed Dean opened both meetings by stressing the necessity to take care in the choice of language used when talking about the issue. Some questioned the time lapse in the reporting of the molestation, while others testified that the bishop’s ministry had influenced, for good, countless lives including, with Bonhoeffer, helping many Jewish children escape Hitler via the Kinder transport. Others felt that “we had been hurt”!
My reaction was: “No, we hadn’t! Only our pride was hurt! And if we had, we only had ourselves to blame for continuing to follow the unfortunate tradition of the Anglican Church to elevate a man while forgetting his Creator – the King of kings! This is a lesson the nation-wide Church needs to learn.”
Those outraged over what has now emerged as a single accusation against Bishop Bell, have recently produced the leaflet: ‘Justice for Bishop Bell’. This was distributed outside the cathedral, after the Eucharist on Sunday 3 April, citing eminent lawyers, politicians and church leaders who are supporting this petition. They include MP Frank Field, former council chief Mark Dunn, and Lord Dear. To sign, email
Sheila Ford
Lancing, West Sussex
Freedom from fear
Is there a stronghold of fear in you that you want to be free from?
God wants you to be free from it, but he wants you to do something. He wants you to put your trust in him and his word. He wants you to use your spiritual armour (Ephesians 6 v 11-18) and to face up to your fears and say – “I will not be afraid” (using the shield of faith) and then using his word (the sword of the Spirit).
1 John 4:4: “ For he that is in me is greater than he that is in the world.”
As you are doing this you are resisting Satan and he will flee (James 1:7). Also each time you do it you will find the hold that fear has on you will lessen. As you are putting your trust in him and his word you will have the victory over your fears.
Alan Evans
Leytonstone, London
Why I’ve been warning about the ‘mark of the beast’
Rowena Osmond of Belvedere, Kent, has researched current scientific developments which she believes tie in with Bible prophecy.
After growing increasingly alarmed, she has been handing out the leaflet below (we show one side here) to people on the street in London and Kent and says she has had a good response. Here she explains the concerns which caused her to have such a leaflet printed:
- The idea is to cause any who receive it to check out the references regarding the microchip, which is being implemented now.
- The reference regarding creation versus evolution is to show that we need not believe what we are told about evolution, as it may very well not be true.
- The Blue Beam project is something that should give much cause for thought.
- The Living Waters reference gives the Gospel message and is a very refreshing means of evangelism.
- Readers may also like to research Barrie Trower, a physicist, who has some extremely interesting information about technology that it would be helpful for us to know. He was on You Tube also. Some of his titles were: ‘Smart Meter Murders’, and, ‘The cooking of humanity’.