Jennifer Abigail Lawson-WallaceRev Jennifer Abigail Lawson-Wallace founded the Quiver and Women in Tune prayer movements

After Big Ben struck 11 times at 10am, and the Cavalry horses charged through Britain’s capital, Rev Jennifer Abigail Lawson-Wallace felt that God told her to call for a week of fasting, prayer and repentance starting on 3 June. A day of repentance will take place in London on 8 June, but groups across the nation may wish to join at the same time.

An urgent message for Britain was also given earlier this year by Rev Jennifer warning of “darkness, economic recessions, political upheavals, natural disasters and war” (see HEART April/May 2024).

Meanwhile she was prompted to reissue a message given in church in 2017, which explains how God was still appealing to the Church to come back to him on behalf of the nation

The Lord wants to address the condition of Britain.

Isaiah 1:1-6: speaks about the sinful nation and disobedient nation becoming sick like a person.

Britain, like Israel in that passage, is spiritually sick – we have blatantly rebelled against the Lord God and his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. We have rebelled against his authority; rejected his rule and laws. We celebrate what is morally and spiritually wrong, we legislate that which is abominable to God.

When the foundation of a nation is something other than God, it needs to be shaken. Heaven is still holding back the floods of judgement until we – the Church – get it right, but God is saying to the nation, “It cannot go on forever”. We see the symptoms in disobedience, corruption, perversions, unrighteousness against the poor, sexual perversions and immorality.

We see a cancer, growing and spreading so that this spiritual sickness has spread to every aspect of the culture of this land including language, marriage and family, the law, government and religion. We have removed the ancient landmarks and so the nation is lost to God.

Once the language of Britain was influenced by the Scriptures. Now others decide what we can or cannot say: and speaking the Word is labelled a hate crime. We have removed the ancient landmarks and so the nation is lost and can’t find its way to God

We are no longer using it to preserve and protect the innocence and conscience of the next generation. Instead, we teach them to rebel too.

We have downgraded marriage, legalised co-habitation and celebrated single parenthood. Even in the Church we have legalised same-sex marriage, while abortion and divorce are on the increase.

The Government has failed the nation by opening the gates of the land and granting the gods of other religions leave to remain. After Gordon Brown’s time, the Lord told me that it would take a while for Labour to come back, because Labour had damaged the moral fibre of Britain more than any other government. Labour legalised satanism and witchcraft as a religion; in Wales the old Celtic religions are being stirred up.

Most accountable of all is the Church. Unbelievers will sin, but we think we’re OK because we go to church on Sunday. In fact, we have sinned against God and the Church by not leading the nation to know him.

Leaders should lead the people in the knowledge and ways of God, but we have missed the boat. We have failed God, the land, and the people. We have not exalted Christ and his Kingdom.

God has not given up on this land and seeks to heal and restore. He’s stretching his hand to us, and we must come on his terms and conditions.

Jennifer Abigail Lawson-Wallace
Rev Jennifer Abigail Lawson-Wallace founded the Quiver and Women in Tune prayer movements

Isaiah 1:16-20 says, “Come now and let us reason together”. Irrespective of everything, he reaches out to you, giving you another chance.

The healing of the nation must begin with the cleansing and restoration of the Church. She will be the instrument that God will use to restore the nation.

The solution is simple. The Church must repent and humble herself as per Zechariah 3, which I believe is a prophetic word concerning the Church.

We will see the branch as the King of kings, as the Lord of lords, as the Son of God – the One to whom the nations have been given. “The iniquity of the land will be removed in one day when the Church is set right”.

The Church is the problem, and the Church is the solution to the problem.

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