Rev Dr Clifford Hill
The only innocent ones today are the parents who don’t know what is happening to their children
“A 13-YEAR-OLD GIRL received a text message on her mobile phone from a boy in her class at school who was trying to strike up a friendship. Instead of asking her to go with him to a show or some other event he requested photos of her naked before he would decide to go out with her.”
This appalling scenario was related at a conference in the House of Commons on the ‘Sexualisation of Children’.
It is a practice known as “sexting” that is becoming increasingly common among teenagers – taking pictures of themselves and texting them on their mobile phones to their friends.
I was talking to an MP after the conference who said that the parents of a girl in his constituency were urgently seeking to move to another part of the country because their daughter had been persuaded by a boy to send pictures to him which he had displayed on Facebook and she was so embarrassed because all her friends had seen them. This is evidently becoming a new form of courting among teenagers which is a measure of the loss of innocence among young people.
The sexualisation of children by paedophiles such as Jimmy Savile is mild by comparison with what is happening among the children themselves. But who is responsible for the loss of innocence among a whole generation of young people? It is not just a small group of perverts, or men with dark glasses and dirty raincoats. Something nationwide is going on among our children that may soon be out of control and difficult to stop.
The internet has been the major source of pornography for adults for a generation, but the advent of mobile phones with their advanced technology has opened up everything available on the internet to children. One of the objectives of the conference organised by the Lords and Commons Family and Child Protection Group was to persuade the Government to introduce legislation requiring an ‘opt in’ rather than an ‘opt out’ access to pornographic sites on the Internet. But so far this has not been achieved.
It is all too easy to blame the internet for everything that is going wrong with our children and young people. The plain fact is that their sexualisation begins in school with ever more explicit sex education, which begins at a younger and younger age, robbing the children of their innocence in infancy.
Most parents have no idea what is being taught to their children and would be greatly shocked if they knew. Most parents don’t even realise that they have rights to know. Of even greater influence than the sex education in the classroom is the role of the Sexual Health Clinic. About one third of secondary schools in England and Wales now have a resident Sexual Health Clinic which operates quite independently of parents.
Children are given sexual advice on any topic upon request. They are also given contraceptives. In fact a 13-year-old girl can be given a contraceptive implant enabling her to have frequent sexual intercourse without having to rely on condoms or resort to the ‘Morning After Pill’ as is the practice with many teenage girls today. All this is provided without any consultation with parents.
Theoretically, the Sexual Health Clinic can even arrange for a girl to have an abortion without telling her parents.
So the current practice is that in the classroom the children are taught what to do and how to do it; then the clinic provides them with all that is necessary to practise what they are taught. The only ones who are innocent today are the parents who don’t know what is happening to their children!
All this is said to be part of the essential education being provided for our children to enable them to take their place in the modern world. It is small wonder that many of them are so addicted to pornography that they are making their own and distributing it on their mobile phones.
Is there any end to the corruption of morality in this crooked generation? Is there anything we can do to protect our children? This was the question asked by a group of parents in Northampton last year. They decided enough is enough, and called a community meeting of parents to demand the right to see what was being taught to their children. The notice they sent out stated that schools were deliberately withholding information from parents. They wrote:
“Without this necessary information parents are being denied the right to make an informed choice as to whether they want their children to participate in explicit SRE (Sex and Relationship Education) lessons. Schools are also forcing children to attend … against their parents’ will and denying parents the right to protect their children from exposure to inappropriate material.”
The meeting at a local community centre drew many concerned parents and achieved the objective of forcing schools to reveal what they were teaching. If parents would like to know more about what happened and to organise something similar in their area, more information can be obtained from, who also have a website –
The secular humanists have succeeded in driving God out of the public square and preventing schoolchildren being taught the basics of biblical morality. Now they are determined to pervert the minds of infants, legalise same-sex marriage, destroy family life and produce a future generation of Jimmy Saviles.
It is surely time for all concerned citizens, young and old, to stand up and say to our MPs and all in authority, “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!”