Were you told that your appendix wasn’t necessary and your coccyx was the remains of a tail? Scientists have discovered that the appendix helps children fight infection, while your coccyx has two important functions – more proof of a brilliant and economical Creator
One of evolution’s persistent myths is the concept of “vestigial organs.”
Charles Darwin claimed that our bodies contained what he called “rudimentary organs”, which meant that “man still bears in his bodily frame the indelible stamp of his lowly origin.”

It was once believed that our bodies contained around 180 of these relics from our supposed evolutionary past. These included our appendix, third eye-lid, tonsils and coccyx. This myth dies hard. Discover magazine claimed in June 2004: “Our bodies are littered with parts we don’t need.”
Atheistic scientists argue that this proves we weren’t created, since a wise Creator wouldn’t give us useless organs. However, advances in medical knowledge have reduced the list of vestigial organs, proving that such claims were evidence of our own ignorance of the wonderful workings of the body.
For example, our appendix is far from useless. Sometimes, in cases of appendicitis, it becomes infected, and has to be surgically removed. Since we can live quite happily without it, it has been claimed that it’s of no use to us.
However, scientists have discovered that the appendix is part of the body’s lymphatic system, useful in helping the body fight infection, particularly in early childhood. According to US surgeon Bill Parker, “Far from useless, the organ is actually a storehouse of beneficial bacteria that help us digest food.” (National Geographic.com, 3 July 2009)

Another so-called vestigial organ is our “tailbone” — actually the coccyx — at the base of our spine, which some claim is a remnant of a tail our ancestors once had. However, our coccyx is not useless, but an important part of our pelvis, part of a three-part support for when we sit down, providing balance and stability. It is also the connecting point for many pelvic floor muscles.
Although monkeys have tails, apes, including chimps — our supposed close relatives — don’t. Why would they lose their tails if their ancestors had them?
There are many body parts we can live without, eg an arm or a leg, but no one would argue they are useless! 2,500 years ago, the Psalmist — without the knowledge we now have — viewed his body as the work of a Creator: “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” (Psalm 139:14).
What evolutionists really need are nascent organs — structures on the way to becoming useful — but they are conspicuous by their absence
Even if some organs did lose their function, it wouldn’t really help evolution. What evolutionists really need are nascent organs — structures on the way to becoming useful — but they are conspicuous by their absence.
Evolutionists may expect continuous improvement, but we live in a “fallen world” which bears little comparison to the original Creation that God declared “very good.” (Genesis 1:31). The Creation model allows for the deterioration of a perfect Creation because the world has been spoilt by human sin.
However, those who put their faith in Jesus Christ are promised new bodies with no limitations or defects. (Philippians 3:20-21).
‘Flaws in the Theory of Evolution’, 1961, pp 56-57