Keys to Revival Praying
Practical prayer strategies based on the word of God and past revivals
48 page A5 booklet
by David and Patricia Knowles
David and Patricia Knowles have studied the most recent revivals, looking for the features that might help us to pray more effectively. Their desire is to encourage us to pray for revival, for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit again in Britain and they offer guidelines, strategies and scriptures.

Their study goes back to the Welsh Revival of 1859 and includes the Northern Ireland Revival of 1859, the Welsh Revival of 1904-5 and the Hebridean Revival of 1949-53 and references to others which took place abroad. The hallmark of genuine revival is, they say, “an awareness of the awesome presence of a holy God, bringing deep conviction of sin and radical transformation of life”.
Evan Roberts, for example, during the Welsh 1904/1905 revival, had a suggested way of starting a meeting by asking the Father to send the Holy Spirit “for Jesus Christ’s sake”; others boldly challenged God to remember his covenant promises and to fulfil them.
Unity and persistence were also important and are discussed. A list of suggested scriptures for prayer is given and a bibliography with recommended further reading.
Prayer was, and is, they believe, foundational; individual prayer, prayer in twos, corporate prayer, guided prayers and extempore prayers.
Surely it is time to cry out to God for this beleaguered nation. A timely publication.
The booklet is available from 01252 328278 at a cost of £4, p&p £1.50
David and Patricia Knowles were Sussex based for many years, attending Chichester Christian Fellowship from the early 1980s and then being active members of Yapton Free Church. They now worship with a mainly West Indian congregation in Aldershot. Their interest in holiness and revival has led them to speak at many churches round the country, and Patricia has appeared on Revelation TV a number of times. David and Patricia have two children and four grandchildren.