Another Sussex author and Lydia Fellowship member has driven around the rest of England’s coastline

Ann Allfrey, a member of the Petworth Community Church, has written of her “prayer drive” around the coast of England with a difference. She does not mention any of the places she visits (except for one – Liverpool), but as Ann says in her book, “Just driving, driving here and there, looking and listening. Stopping sometimes when the Spirit seemed to demand, stopping to look and to try to see with God’s eyes, to listen to his voice.”
She highlights the issues that affect our Church, land and nation.
It is 100% about the heart and ways of God. Thus, I have used it as part of my quiet times in the morning and found it very helpful way to start my day.
Ann is a member of the Lydia Fellowship . The Fellowship came into being as a result of a prophecy saying that this country would be saved by praying women.
I am grateful to Ann and other Lydias for reminding us to pray for our country because God loves that.
This book will bless the reader as it appeals to the heart.
Gerald Gresham Cooke
Available from Amazon as an e-book. Can be downloaded onto all the Kindle range plus iPad, iPhine, PC, Mac and Tablets. £ 0.77