HEARD THE JOKE about a responsible school inspector who asked a little girl what lesbians ‘did’?
No joke, actually, but an allegation made against an OFSTED team along with other complaints after a visit to a leading Christian school.

The primary age girl at Grindon Hall Christian School in Sunderland was not the only child singled out by the Education Department representatives who sprang a surprise visit before Christmas, according to an official complaint by Principal Chris Gray.
Other youngsters were asked if they knew of any boys and girls in the school who thought they were in the ‘wrong body’ – a reference to transsexuals.
Mr Gray said the inspectors focused with a ‘negative slant’ on finding evidence that the school was supporting intolerant views.
He added: “The view was that the Christian ethos of the school was adversely affecting our ability to be open non-discriminatory and tolerant. I think that is upside-down thinking.”
The school head has received complaints from parents about the inspectors but sixth formers too have written that the inspectors manipulated group discussions to focus on racism and homophobia.
An OFSTED spokesman later said assessments involved talking to pupils ‘to consider the extent to which they are being prepared for the next stages in their lives.’
Although claiming the school ‘needed improvement’, the inspectors found that children’s behaviour and motivation was very good, exam results were above average with children achieving higher grades than expected, and homework was welcomed by children and parents.