With no evidence of extra-terrestrial life, here’s a far more staggering truth
by Geoff Chapman

For hundreds of years people have looked at the night sky and wondered whether there are any other civilisations out there.
“Surely we can’t be alone in all those billions of galaxies?” they wonder.
Yet the most powerful radio-telescopes have found nothing 38 years! That’s how long the SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) programme has been scanning the heavens for non-random signals
In science fiction films like ‘Star Wars’ and ‘Star Trek’ it’s always assumed that there are other intelligent beings out there, probably even more advanced than us. So why haven’t they been in touch? Maybe it’s because they simply aren’t there, and we really are alone!
The fact is that very special conditions make life on earth possible — conditions which are not known to exist anywhere else in the entire universe! According to The Scientific American: “Certain fundamental constants of nature appear to be fine-tuned for life’s existence.”1
So is this just a fluke or did some supreme intelligence, an all-powerful Creator, finely tune it for our benefit?
Popular TV scientist Professor Brian Cox has dismissed the idea that aliens exist, at least within our own galaxy. He said that, because the origin of life is “such a freak occurrence …there’s probably nothing else.”2
Brian Cox isn’t alone in his view. A headline on space.com read: “Five out of five researchers agree: Earth’s solar system is special.”3
Yet we are not alone. There is something even more exciting than aliens — the Creator of the universe visiting planet earth!

This happened not by a space ship or flying saucer, but by the birth of a tiny baby in a manger. Earth became the ‘visited planet’ when Jesus Christ was born 2,000 years ago. This is what the Bible says about him: “He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.” (John 1: 2-3). Though it may be difficult to grasp, God became a human being “and made his dwelling among us.” (John 1: 14).
God could not have chosen a better way to prove his love for us than to become one of us. Jesus grew up as a perfect man, yet at the young age of 33 he was condemned to death and crucified, although the judge pronounced him “not guilty.”
Earth’s conditions aren’t known to exist anywhere else in the entire universe!
His death was unique. The Bible tells us that death is the result of sin entering God’s originally perfect creation. Jesus didn’t die for his own sins, but for ours! By admitting our need for forgiveness, and accepting Jesus’s death on our behalf, we can be reconciled to God and have a living relationship with him.
But there is more: history records that Jesus rose from the dead. So those who put their faith in him will also rise to eternal life.
Surely this amazing visitation is more exciting than aliens from outer space? To find out more about having a relationship with the Creator of the universe, please ask the person who gave you this paper, or contact the publisher.
- 15 July 2014.
- Noble Rot magazine, February 2022.
- 31 March 2005
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