The Happening

Youth event
Ashburnham Place

On the third Sunday of every month, young people from across Sussex gather together to seek God, worship Jesus and encourage one another in discipleship.

The Happening is a non-denominational Christian youth event run by a collaboration of local youth leaders in order to provide a place for younger Christians to enjoy being together and grow in their walk with Jesus. It has been really popular with the smaller churches which only have small numbers of youth.

Sunday January 17 was the first event of 2015 and kicked off the year in impressive style, following the usual pattern. After arriving and being put through an assortment of ice-breakers and games there is a small apologetics segment where one of the leaders will provide instruction on how to defend the Christian faith from the sceptical challenges of the culture.

This month we looked at what makes Christianity unique when compared to other religions. After this the fantastic worship team lead the group into a powerful time of worship, followed by a message on Matthew 5:13-16, looking at the concept of being salt and light in the world and ending with a challenge and response by the young people to live this out in their lives. The after-hours time provides an opportunity to make new friends, visit the tuck shop, share a testimony or just reflect on the evening.

The Happening is a great event for young people and is always looking to get more churches and youth groups involved. To stay in touch with all the news and find dates for the upcoming events find ‘Happeningyouth’ on Facebook!

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