Gerald Gresham Cooke welcomes the new Bishop of Lewes
The Reverend Richard Jackson DipHE MSc MA is to be the next Bishop of Lewes.

The Reverend Richard Jackson DipHE MSc MA is to be the next Bishop of Lewes. He will be ordained Bishop at Westminster Abbey on 14 May before being formally welcomed to his role in the diocese at Chichester Cathedral.
Originally from Wiltshire, Richard studied at Oxford and trained for the ministry at Trinity College, Bristol. Richard has a scientific background and has specialised in working in agriculture. Before becoming a priest he worked as an agricultural consultant advising farmers across a range of issues.
But when he was ready to be ordained he came to Sussex to serve his curacy in the Parish of Lindfield between 1994-98, holding the fort during its 1996 interregnum. John Mummery, a Lindfield parishioner and local HEART distributor, describes Richard’s promotion as “a good evangelical appointment.”
Richard became Vicar of Rudgwick in 1998 and then was Rural Dean of Horsham from 2005 before taking up his current role as Diocesan Mission and Renewal Adviser and Leader of the Church Growth Team.
Richard is married to Deborah and they have four children. is extremely well liked, easy to relate to and we are thrilled that he has accepted the position.