By Alan Crook

On the 20th of February 2016 David Cameron announced that we will hold a referendum. By the 28th of February there were prayer groups all over the country praying that we would leave the EU. We were one of these groups.

We quickly realised that we were in a spiritual battle not a physical one and that Prayer was the only weapon that we had. When we met we had only a short time to actually pray. We were determined that nothing should get in the way of prayer and therefor we cut out the usual trimmings of Christian meetings. We wouldn’t  have any coffee before or after the meetings, there would be no sermons or speeches no music or overhead projectors there wouldn’t even be a collection made for the hall (we financed it from another resource). Apart from a reading from the Bible and the issuing of a sheet of prayer guidelines there was to be no contribution from anyone.

This cleared the way for those who came to just get to work. The job of those attending was to turn up, roll up their sleeves and pray. We even advertised the meetings in this way and we thought the austere description of the meetings would deter many but to our amazement we were completely wrong. Numbers rose and the feeling of the presence of God was such and is still such that it is very difficult to stop folk from praying.

A major turning point came when we were evicted from a principle church and told we weren’t welcome. This galvanised the Christian community into action, and numbers rose to about 50 folk all determined to see God’s will done in this land. They came from as far afield as Salisbury, Worthing. The age range is from 28 to 91.

After the referendum we thought things would calm down but the job has become an even more urgent one so we continued to meet. Our meetings are still attended by over 50 folk who are determined to see Britain back on its feet and listening to God, not bowing to the decrees of faceless bureaucrats. Our main focus now is for REVIVAL. Without revival we don’t stand a chance of any progress in Britain.   Thanks to the generosity of the Swanfield chapel in Chichester our meetings continue to prosper.

You may contact us at for further details.

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