Jesus is real

I am a 50-year-old single father of two children, an ex-soldier and radio station owner.I have also worked alongside the police for four years, securing 422 arrests, and am a former state registered biomedical scientist in neuropathology who worked in Oxford. But now my number one objective is to spread the word that Jesus Christ is real, and I have the evidence. After recording an interview with a Mexican Christian minister two weeks ago, she prayed over me, speaking in tongues. At ten minutes into the prayer, I received a powerful “deliverance” and the “baptism by the Holy Spirit”. This expelled demons – it’s all recorded. After the call ended, it happened again! This time I was pinned to the couch – it was like a gravity fairground ride. I was left unhurt, just in shock and born again. My life has been completely changed in two weeks. It all happened under the command of Jesus himself, not through any earthly minister. I have had the Holy Spirit talking to me every day, with visions and commands. The changes I am going through would have been unbelievable a month ago. I too am now speaking in tongues and Jesus has appeared to me twice. My local church pastor was under no doubt that everything I have explained is authentic.Jesus is real. All he asks is that we turn to our Father in heaven and ask for salvation.
Malcolm Campbell
Kidderminster, Worcestershire
Support for Methodists and Anglicans
As a former Methodist minister turned Anglican priest, I am grateful to Armorel Carlyon for her thoughtful articulation of her concerns about the direction of British Methodism, as well as to Richard Hill for his fair and balanced assessment of the state of the Church of England (An Anglican and a Methodist speak out, Feb/Mar). For concerned Methodists, may I commend the faithful witness of Methodist Evangelicals Together (, and for Anglicans the work of the Church of England Evangelical Council (, both of whose websites contain helpful and encouraging resources.
P Kane
Worthing, West Sussex
Disease products
It is not uncommon for a patient to report adverse symptoms years after a vaccination. A trained practitioner will then give treatment to clear the offending problem. I have discovered that such treatment may not be possible with RNA vaccines.Dr Sherri Tenpenny is a Christian authority on vaccine harm and daily prayer should be made for her safety.Why inject disease products into a consecrated body for an event that may never happen?Some trust in horses, some in the vaccine god and a few in the Lord God Almighty, Creator of humanity.
B Lewis, researcher
Worthing, West Sussex
No national turning
I am in my 80s. During my watch, a nation once proud of its Christian heritage, despite our Queen’s Coronation Oath, has passed laws that explicitly contravene God’s commandments. These include the continual polluting the land with the blood of the innocent (which in Britain alone means over nine million babies have been aborted since 1967).Have we not been trying to hold on to a respectable and comfortable Church? We have certainly failed to disciple our people. How can we expect God to bless our nation and answer our prayers unless we first truly repent and cleanse our own house?
Michael Huggins
Crediton, Devon
Medicating a whole population
The government plans to add fluoride to all our tap water to reduce tooth decay. (The Times, 6 February)Fluoride is very toxic and it’s unethical to medicate a whole population. The US cut the fluoride added to their tap water to 0.7ppm (parts per million) to avoid poisoning babies. This is much lower than the 1ppm which Britain still allows!
A Wills
Ruislip, Middlesex
Posting the truth
The HEART February/March paper was particularly excellent.I posted copies to church members, and put the excess through letterboxes nearby.Even though a Christian newspaper it is not something everyone subscribes to, shut in people must surely be glad of a free newspaper as a diversion, and read it. I am praying for much fruit from this information, and a drawing of the lost to salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Rowena Osmond
Belvedere, Kent
Vaccine hesitant
Recently I had a phone call from the NHS asking why I had not had the vaccine I replied that it wasn’t a vaccine in the true sense of the word and I didn’t think it had been tested properly. Although I’m nearly 80, I’ve only had two colds in 13 years, I have a very healthy diet- no alcohol or smoking – and I have a rare blood group which provides 15-20% immunity! We had a good conversation and I ended by saying “God bless you.”Back in February 2020, my husband’s son heard about the virus when he was returning from skiing, so on the journey he researched how to protect himself and others. He came across hydroxychloroquine and promptly ordered some on his return.But soon after it disappeared from the market.
R Venables
Angmering, West Sussex