Kirk to hold gay weddings
The Church of Scotland will conduct legal research to determine how its ministers can hold same-sex weddings in churches. Its General Assembly accepted a report that claimed Scripture was framed by its cultural context. Amendments put forward by supporters of biblical marriage were defeated.
Pro-life March

The ‘Brexit’ election
The Christian Institute has urged Christians to remember that, although this General Election has been dubbed ‘the Brexit election’, MPs in the new Parliament will pass laws affecting every area of life.
Brexit and the Union
While the SNP would like another referendum on Scotland’s membership of the EU, there is talk of special status for Northern Ireland, the only part of the UK which will have a sea border with the EU.

This was dismissed by former First Minister Arlene Foster, MLA, whose DUP led Stormont from 2015-17. She believes that special status would be counter-productive. She told the Bruges Group on 22 May, “Sinn Fein have been pushing for a border poll to be held to test opinion on the issue of the Union. I have no doubt that our position in the UK would be resoundingly endorsed and all recent polling makes that abundantly clear. However, as we have learned from the experience in Scotland, such campaigns by their very nature are divisive and disruptive.”