Graphene oxide found in vaccinated blood – AND in unvaccinated patients
With clear evidence of vaccine ‘shedding’ in a previously fit 59-year-old man, one doctor has found medicines that cleaned up the graphene from the patient’s damaged blood
Last issue we printed photos of strange structures found in the blood of patients who had received the Covid injections.
The doctor who found them, who has a UK private Harley Street practice, told HEART that no medical institute had challenged his findings and he was invited to join several consultants’ groups.
A week after he had shared the images, a Spanish professor announced that, thanks to powerful electron microscopy and other advanced technologies, he had analysed the contents of the Covid vaccine.
It is evident from what Professor Dr Campra published that he found nearly identical tubular structures, as well as light-reflecting white dots, which do not routinely occur in blood profiles.
The highly qualified UK doctor, who has a special interest in haematology, said:“They were like peas in a pod. The same structures I’d seen in my patients’ blood were in the vaccine itself.”
These structures and the many black dots seen in patients’ blood, have now been named as reduced graphene oxide.
The discovery of the reduced graphene oxide presence and metal components was made by Professor Campra at the University of Almeria and also by Dr Robert Young, a US-based health practitioner. Dr Young can be seen discussing his findings on the South African Christian channel,
Now doctors around the world have been sharing their findings. A conference of pathologists and other doctors held in Germany in September was going to be shared with 35 groups of doctors across Austria.
Present were two lawyers representing the case being brought for ‘crimes against humanity’ by Reiner Fuellmich’s team.
The expert at the conference does not say definitively what the white dots are; he surmises they could be the lipid nanoparticles which enclose the spike protein, although Professor Campra and Dr Young believe they are nanoparticles of metals – aluminium, nickel and bismuth (the formula for stainless steel).
Nobody at the conference was in any doubt that the images in the vaccines mirror the structures found in the blood of vaccinated patients by a doctor with an optical microscope.
Graphene oxide grows in blood
New evidence of vaccinated blood taken from patients who were vaccinated earlier this year shows that the tube-like formations not only grow, but have a polarity issue with previously healthy red blood cells and absorb them, while the unabsorbed cells outside the structure are clumping.
Additionally, black dots seen in the vaccines themselves and in the blood slides show a tendency to join up and become larger, black ‘blobs’ in the blood.
The ability of both the tubes and the enlarged graphene blobs would be compromised in their ability to pass through the tiny capillaries in blood, leading to clotting.
Another danger is when cells morph from perfectly round, smooth, doughnut shapes into hexagonal shapes like honeycombs. This would inhibit their ability to pass through capillaries freely and patients have presented with symptoms akin to gangrene, because they clog up the blood vessels.
A video has already been released of an Australian man threatened with the amputation of his fingers because of peripheral vascular disease due to his blood not flowing properly.
A testimony of healing from adverse effects and a prayer is here
Evidence that is being shared by doctors

Vaccine Shedding
Dr Geert vanden Bossche, who worked in the pharmaceutical industry, voiced his concern over the potential of vaccine ‘shedding’ – when vaccines affect others nearby.
Evidence of this came to light unexpectedly when a clinician found the same graphene structures in the blood of an unvaccinated, previously athletic, 59-year-old man who had complained of feeling ill. There was less debris in the blood than in that of vaccinated patients, but it had all the signs of Covid, including liver and kidney issues, as well as skin problems. The doctor tried to remove the graphene and also used medication to counter the pathological aggregation (clotting). Among other medication he used growth factors and cytokines, which are not commonly prescribed.
To his amazement, three weeks later the same patient’s blood no longer showed the graphene tubes and the white dots, a result which has not been seen in vaccinated patients yet. The patient’s blood was not entirely healthy yet, but the potential for clotting had receded. The doctor who made the discovery hopes to share this with other doctors.
Hereditary damage
A condition called chromothripsis has also been warned about in peer-reviewed medical papers. This is damage to cells caused by the gene-editing properties of the mRNA injections which switch off certain steps in our DNA processing.
Chromothripsis has been seen in gene-edited plants which attracted diseases they had never previously suffered. It is hereditary and has been called a “time-bomb” because damage to DNA cannot be undone.
NHS orders £3bn of anti-coagulants
The NHS has put out a tender for £3.185bn of oral anti-coagulants to be supplied from 1 November 2021 to 31 March 2024. (The vaccines’ experimental periods will have ended by 2024). One doctor called it an “astronomical amount” to spend on anti-coagulants and said the NHS is well aware of severe clotting incidents and currently routinely prescribes anti-coagulants to vaccinated patients who present with complications.