Queues formed outside Westminster Abbey during the Dunkirk crisis after the King called for a day of prayer and fasting on 26 May 1940
Christians are being asked to meet together on St George’s Day, 23 April, to pray for our nation a month before the crucial vote on 23 June.While the traditional Church in the nation has broadly supported the European ideal, seeing it as the standard bearer for brotherly unity across frontiers, the EU’s rejection of Judeo-Christian values has left other parts of the Church disillusioned and more inclined to hearken to ‘prophetic’ warnings which have been sounded over the past 30 years.
But Christians also recognise that our governments have enacted anti-biblical laws well before we joined the ‘Common Market’ in 1972 and the need to pray for our nation, whether in or out of Europe, has never been greater.
Supporters of prayer for the nation liken 23 April to the day of prayer and fasting called by King George VI over Dunkirk. Britain’s fighting men escaped the shores of Northern France thanks to an unusually calm English Channel which enabled a flotilla of boats to sail across and rescue them.
Just as when Britain prayed during WW2, it is hoped that Christians up and down the land will congregate in large or small groups to ask God to have mercy on a nation deserving of judgement.
Let us, in our groups, recognise that we have nothing to offer God but sorrow and repentance on behalf of our government and ourselves. We cannot claim any moral high ground; it was on our prayer ‘watch’ – or lack of it – that ungodly laws have been passed.

a prayer strategy for small groups
Days of prayer for 22 and/or 23 April are being co-ordinated by Roy and Brenda Taylor, the World Prayer Centre in Birmingham (director Ian Cole with Jane Holloway) and the Together for the Nation group which includes several ministries. The latter may be meeting at the HEART Partner Ministry base of the Emmanuel Centre – see the back of this paper for their contact details.
Brenda Taylor, who was interviewed on Revelation TV to explain the motivation behind the days of prayer, said, “We’ve had enormous support. We are asking for groups to meet up and down the country at any time on that day, whether large or small in number.” Details from dovetailshalom@gmail.com
“Nation of Britain…”
Unusually, we reproduce below, word for word, a prophecy received by pastor David Noakes at a ministers’ meeting last November. It has been widely circulated by Issachar Ministries (the ministry team of Clifford Hill) and ‘tested’ by others. Thus it is felt to have credence as a divine warning and promise of hope for the nation. Readers are invited to read, pray and weigh it for themselves.
Nation of Britain, I have loved you with a love which has not ceased, despite the state of apostasy and degradation into which you have fallen. My anger towards those church leaders who have taught false things in my Name, and encouraged others to believe and act as they do, is intense and my judgement upon them will be severe. Yet I have compassion upon those who have been like sheep without godly shepherds; and my heart still longs to exercise mercy upon a nation whose forefathers upheld my Name and took my Word to the ends of the earth; a nation whose belief in the truth of my Word framed godly laws and inspired a culture of uprightness.
Rather than rely on me and my faithfulness to you, you chose, for worldly purposes, to join yourself to an institution which has denied my Name and refused to acknowledge me in its counsels. My fierce anger is upon that institution on account of its rebellion, its defiant rejection of me and its hardness of heart towards my ancient people Israel.
I warn you now that the European institution will not repent, even though I bring disaster and destruction upon it. I urge you, O Britain still beloved by me for the sake of your godly forefathers, come out of her, so that you may not be caught up in that same destruction, for I am even now arising in judgement to bring to nothing what she has sought to achieve. If you will separate yourself from her declared rejection of God, I will have mercy upon you and restore my hand of protection; and I will use you once again to bring light to many lost in the darkness which is now steadily increasing.
Hear me, O once godly nation and respond to my call, or you also will come to ruin in that same judgement of destruction. This is not my will for you, but you must choose the course which you will take. I urge you to respond to me and choose life under my hand of discipline and protection, rather than death in the disaster which is even now coming upon Europe.