Storm Warning: The coming world upheaval and how to avoid it

By John Harrold

We all know that political storms rage from time to time. All of us will experience our own personal storms at some point in our lives. National and international upheavals are less common, but all of these can bring times of anxiety and stress.

The Bible has all of the answers.

Throughout the centuries, God’s word has shown us how storms arise when individuals and nations reject Him. Man became ever more selfish and godless. They did (and still do) that which was right in their own eyes. God continued to love them however and in order to have them return to Him, God left them to their own devices to reap the consequences. You can read about these events in the scriptures.

The world is suffering now due to the Covid pandemic. Will these storms get worse?

Unfortunately the answer is yes. In the Bible’s last book, Revelation, God has warned us in advance that these storms will become unimaginably strong and devastating.

Storms will become unimaginably strong

Can we protect ourselves?

The answer in this book is a resounding “yes”. By placing our trust in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ we have an everlasting anchor, now and forever.

Lynn Patching

The book can be purchased from Amazon (and probably other places too) – Mike

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