A PETITION HAS BEEN LAUNCHED by campaign group ‘CitizenGO’ in support of a magistrate who lost his position after standing up for Biblical views of family.

HEART reported (February 2015) that Richard Page, a 68-year-old married Christian NHS manager, who has been a magistrate for 15 years, was found guilty of serious misconduct by the Lord Chancellor, Chris Grayling.  Mr Page had told colleagues that a child in an adoption case would benefit from a traditional family upbringing rather than gay parents.

Mr Page was suspended from family court cases and reported to the judges’ watchdog for alleged prejudice. He was also instructed to attend an equality course before returning to his magistrate role.

The magistrate said his Christian faith informed him that children flourish best in a loving home with a married mum and dad.

He added: “My 20 years of experience in mental health service also leads me to the same conclusion. This is not a matter of prejudice or bigotry but is based on knowledge and evidence that I have applied when seeking the best interests for a lifetime of a vulnerable child.

“As a magistrate in the family court, I must conduct a case-by-case analysis, based on the facts which are before me. In this particular case, it appeared to me that there was overwhelming evidence that the situation was not in the best interests of the child.”

CitizenGO is a community of active citizens that seeks to defend life, the family and the fundamental rights worldwide.

The group petition reads: “Stop Anti-Christian Bigotry. Restore Magistrate Richard Page to his post. Magistrate Richard Page was removed from his position as justice of the peace because he acted in the best interest of a child, refusing to permit a same-sex adoption. He was punished because he refused to abandon his beliefs, established by social science and the Christian tradition. We demand that Mr. Page be restored to his position.”

Sign the petition at: http://citizengo.org/en/17054-restore-richard-page-his-post

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