By Sandy Medway

Sandy Medway works within the Christian voluntary and community sector as a freelance consultant and for the last 20 years has helped support a wide range of Christian charities and social action initiatives. She is a Street Pastor in Eastbourne, and an Associate Consultant with Aid for Trade, a Worthing based charity providing free online micro-enterprise resources for people in developing countries. Sandy is also part of a local group seeking premises to set up an Eastbourne-based wood recycling project.

Sandy says, “Instead of a new year’s resolution this year I thought it more beneficial to work out some reminders around my calling and ministry, which would help me stay focused on the important things during  2014. 

  • Care and protect vulnerable people around me (neighbours/family)
  • Focus on work that supports community and family life
  • Be plain speaking at all times
  • Restore Jesus’ teachings as a force for good
  • Remember, choices have consequences
  • Get out of the way of progress
  • Collaborative solutions need the right people round the table
  • Encourage good people doing good work
  • Enable leaders to serve
  • Capture ‘difference narratives’ not targeted outcomes

By “capture difference narratives”, I mean that I will find ways to ensure that people benefitting from Christian social action are given a voice to personally express themselves and the difference a service they are using has made to their lives. This is an alternative approach to getting people to tick boxes against pre-designed questions or choosing to only work with people who measure up against a targeted outcome.

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