The Observatory on Intolerance against Christians’ 2018 report on Europe details over 500 cases across the continent.

Launching the document in Vienna in May, the Observatory’s Executive Director, Ellen Fantini, noted that “the cases from 2016 and 2017 in this report illustrate the range of hostilities Christians experience in their daily lives: from the ‘squeeze’ of interference with religious liberty, parental rights, freedom of expression and conscience, to the ‘smash’ of physical attacks, and vandalism of churches and cemeteries.”
On 9 February 2018 a Muslim failed asylum seeker from Afghanistan was convicted of murdering an Afghan Christian convert in front of her children in a Hamburg supermarket. Prosecutors said his aim was to kill as many German Christians as possible.
UK examples in the report include Felix Ngole, a student who was expelled from university for expressing his Christian views on Facebook, and Richard Page, a Christian magistrate who was sacked both from the bench and from his NHS directorship after saying it was in a child’s best interests to be raised by a mother and a father.