This doctor found a radically simple, preventative treatment for Covid-19 and explains why a vaccine won’t work
This report is based on two interviews that Dr Richard Bartlett gave to US broadcasters; the most recent was on 2 July. Dr Bartlett is a medical director and author who has been practising in Texas for 28 years. He has been Medical Expert for CBS Affiliate, West Texas, for over 20 years
God gave the cure in a dream
In March Dr Bartlett was working and praying through a 48-hour shift in the emergency room.
He was “distraught” at the thought of not having a remedy for any Covid-19 patients apart from the ventilator, which has a 60 per cent failure rate.
Between patients, he lay down for a catnap and woke up “convinced” that God had given him a winning strategy for this respiratory disease.
It was an everyday asthma drug, the steroid budesonide, to be given via a nebuliser. He prefers a nebuliser to an inhaler because “90 per cent of the medicine never gets to where you need it.”
“Budesonide comes as a pre-mixed, pre-measured medicine and results can occur in minutes. Chest pain and shortness of breath go away. Fever breaks. It’s been out for over 20 years, used on two-pound premature babies safely and the fragile and elderly in nursing homes.”
A week later he had the opportunity to try budesonide with two Covid-19 patients and has since had a 100 per cent success rate. One patient was an elderly lady with thyroid disease who had smoked for 50 years and had a quadruple bypass. She felt better after the first treatment and is now symptom-free.
Another patient, an asthma sufferer, was put on a ventilator for nine days, but after an early prescription of inhaled steroids, showed no sign of the inflammatory damage to her lungs, kidneys or heart which is what causes death in many Covid-19 patients.
“I’m also using an antibiotic that will cover walking pneumonia and other pneumonias, called clarithromycin. I also give zinc, because that interferes with virus multiplication. But the silver bullet is inhaled steroids.”
This God-given remedy has removed all his fear about Covid-19.
Simple treatments are being downplayed for political reasons
He believes that there is “a lot of political motivation” behind the decisions being made about the virus.
“When you look at the combination that President Trump recommended, of hydroxychloroquine – it’s used for malaria, rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. It decreases the inflammatory response, and modulates the immune system… That medicine, along with the azithromycin antibiotic, has proven anti-viral activity against 13 different viruses like dengue fever and Zika. These scientific facts seem to be downplayed, or ignored, on purpose.”
He believes Taiwan, Japan and Singapore, countries which had also “stumbled” upon an inhaled steroid similar to budesonide, are the model to follow, rather than the Chinese model.
“Taiwan has 23.5 million people, too many to do social distancing! But only seven people have died from Covid. Japan has 121 million people; fewer than 1,000 died. In Singapore only 12 died out of 6 million in the whole country. But the mainstream media tells us this is not possible.”
Treatment trial “set up to fail”
In June Oxford University announced a study of inhaled budesonide against Covid-19, but Dr Bartlett is sceptical: “Whether they set the study up for failure, like I think the National Institute of Health (NIH) in the US has done, I don’t know. The criterion for the NIH is you have to be in the Emergency Room, with pneumonia and on a ventilator before they’ll give you this.”
Why a vaccine isn’t the answer
Dr Bartlett insists there is no need for a vaccine because the virus mutates rapidly. Iceland had discovered 243 mutations. “At best our flu vaccines help only 40 per cent of those who have it. Any vaccine cannot be a one-time shot to work.
“People like Anthony Fauci (the US government’s top medical adviser) who say they’ve been working on a vaccine for AIDS, haven’t found one, because it is also a rapidly mutating virus.”
He warns of rushing a vaccine to market and cites the book ‘Polio – An American Story’ which gives statistics for the thousands of people who died or who were left permanently damaged by the polio vaccine which was “pushed out too early.”
“A year and a half is rushing a vaccine to the market – that’s at great peril.”
A call for freedom
Dr Bartlett also warns: “When you have the government saying it knows more about what’s good for your health than your doctor and your family, that is socialism and communism.
“Instead of masks or social distancing, let’s instead go with a successful treatment that’s cost effective and readily available at every pharmacy!”
He encourages Christians to believe Psalm 91, too. “God protects you from the plague.”
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Many US doctors are releasing videos in which they question the Covid-19 scare.
Among these are Rashid Buttar, Dan Erickson, Judy Mikovits (who worked with Anthony Fauci and has written a book, ‘Plague of Corruption’), and, in the UK, Vernon Coleman and from Ireland, immunologist Prof Dolores Cahill.
In a video released on 22 July, US Dr Carrie Madej warned that the mooted Covid vaccine contains nanotechnology that would permanently alter DNA and could “hook us all up to an AI (artificial intelligence) interface.” Medical and business conferences she had attended confirmed this.