Official EU policy has been to sacrifice Israel for oil
By Charles Gardner
LONDON, April 5, 2019 – The secret is out. Britain has been locked into an anti-Israel agreement ever since we first entered Europe in the early 1970s – a policy likely to consign us to the dust of history.
But a successful Brexit could allow us to repair the damage.
Writing for HEART newspaper,1 which circulates in churches throughout the south of England, film-maker Hugh Kitson has revealed the real reason for the mess we’re in over Europe.
In a devastating article, he says that Britain, along with its European allies, has effectively sacrificed Israel on the altar of expedience and economic survival.
By signing up to the so-called Euro-Arab Dialogue (EAD), we capitulated to the Arab political agenda in exchange for oil, literally allowing the rich Arab nations to hold us ‘over a barrel’.

The historical background to this little-known arrangement was Arab frustration at Israel’s resilience in surviving a succession of wars against the odds. Having failed yet again to defeat Israel in the 1973 Yom Kippur War, they dispensed with brute force in exchange for undermining the political will of the West by imposing an oil embargo.
This led to severe restrictions that brought Britain to its knees, as a result of which European countries led by France agreed to the EAD agenda which ensured that Israel – the Middle East’s only democracy – would have her actions and borders constantly challenged.
Shockingly, we further agreed that Islam and its human rights abuses could not be criticised while Muslim immigration into European society was to be welcomed.
The EAD has changed shape over the years, but has continued to meet to this day; its most recent gathering, in February, was attended by Theresa May.
Hugh Kitson writes: “This explains the anti-Israel bias in the Western media, which leads to a completely distorted view of the Arab-Israeli conflict…”
And he adds: “This policy is obligatory on member states of the EU to this day if they are to have favourable economic relations with the Arab world. Basically, the European nations decided that there has to be a Palestinian state with ‘East Jerusalem’ as its capital, no matter what, even if it means the demise of the Jewish state.”
The push for a so-called ‘two-state solution’ has been part of this mantra for years. Yet it flies in the face of international acknowledgement of Israel’s right to the land, particularly through the San Remo Treaty of 1920, and brazenly provokes the judgment of God, who states in his Word: “…When I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all nations and…enter into judgment against them concerning my inheritance, my people Israel, for they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land.” (Joel 3.2)
So it seems that our 45-year dalliance with Europe has been marked by deception – not only that the liaison was never intended to be more than a trade agreement, but also over Middle East foreign policy which the electorate will have trusted the government to enact in good faith and for the benefit of both parties.
But this has clearly never been the case with Israel, whom we have betrayed – not once, not twice, but three times. First we reneged on our 1917 pledge to prepare a home for them in their ancient land, then we refused immigration to many who were desperately trying to flee Nazi-occupied Europe and now, we discover to our horror, we have been relentlessly sacrificing them to the god of oil.
Such a policy has been long suspected, as it has effectively been our practice, but it has only now become more widely known that this had been the agreed course of action all along to which our government has been committed.
This disgraceful treatment of God’s chosen people has sent us sliding down the slippery slope of godlessness, hopelessness and despair amid the chaos and confusion surrounding Brexit – unless, of course, we see the error of our ways and act upon it.
Speaking of the future glory of Zion, the word of God says: “For the nation or kingdom that will not serve you will perish; it will be utterly ruined.” (Isaiah 60.12)
Although seen as a means of our short-term economic survival, the reality of the policy we have pursued over Israel is that it will ultimately lead to our destruction. We have cursed rather than blessed them, and will be judged accordingly. (See Genesis 12.3)
And the result is that much of what we see happening in the Middle East is being replicated here – the death of democracy, for instance, seen in the huge crowds descending on London calling for a second referendum because they didn’t like the outcome of the first. They were, of course, reflecting the views of their politicians foolishly ignoring the will of 17.4 million people.
Another feature of Middle East politics is the blatant propaganda which seeks to portray Israel as the unwilling party in peace negotiations whereas in reality neither the Palestinian Authority nor Hamas is interested in securing a peace deal that doesn’t involve driving the Jews into the sea. The fact is they don’t want part of the land; they want all of it.
In Britain too we are being bombarded by propaganda. It’s not enough that homosexuals have been ‘normalized’ into society. No, the government’s Department of Education email signature line now embeds a large rainbow flag with the logo I’m an LGBT+ Champion.2
We now hear how the general populace has fallen out of love with our politicians, but they only reflect the selfish, sinful and confused state of the electorate.
In a passage about wisdom, the Book of Proverbs offers us the choice of life or death. “For whoever finds me finds life and receives favour from the Lord. But whoever fails to find me harms himself; all who hate me love death.” (Proverbs 8.35f)
Jesus is the way, the truth and ‘the life’ spoken of here (John 14.6). We have lost our way as a nation; we need to find Jesus again!
1HEART Christian newspaper, April/May 2019 – see also
2Christian Concern, March 29 2019